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B2B e-commerce platform List - Online B2B e-commerce platform is an online B2B e-commerce platform from Romania. The platform works in Romanian and English, so it is good that when you enter the name of the products and texts about you, company or products, th... More Details - B2B e-commerce platform is the new B2B e-commerce platform that facilitates the contact and exchange of electronic data between buyers and sellers.The Danagi platform was created exclusively for the B2B area. The platform is available for global... More Details - B2B e-commerce platform

Amazon is the biggest B2B e-commerce platform operating in more than 14 countries that includes Canada, Brazil, France, the U.S, India, Italy, and Mexico. The company has claimed to be the leading entity in the e-commerce indust... More Details - B2B e-commerce platform for fashion is an online trading platform offering instant access to permanently available offers of brand name products at discounted prices.Short-life offers are usually not listed on the website therefore we recommend customers to... More Details - France manufacturing business suppliers B2B social network - France manufacturing business suppliers B2B social network, French B2B e-commerce platform under WBN (Worldwide Business Network).About WBNWBN (Worldwide Business... More Details