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Website: is a leading manufacturer's, supplier's portal & B2B marketplace. Get a list of top suppliers, manufacturers, exporters and other services providers from around the world at We are an online B2B Marketplace which connects buyers with the leading manufacturers, suppliers and exporters from all over the globe to promote B2B trade. Also find information on industry trends, trade shows, reviews, articles and industry publications.

This online marketplace connects Brazilian, Russian, Indian and Chinese buyers with international suppliers. The content of reflects the demand for capital goods and services from the BRIC countries.

The site offers users the opportunity to sign up for free and to create a "MYBRIC" account. This account gives users access to the site's communication tools and enables them to send requests to international suppliers. All supplier profiles can be listed in Portuguese, Russian, English and Mandarin. BRIC users can browse all areas of the site in order to research technologies and services of interest. Industries are categorised and the site has a built-in search engine.

Suppliers can register a simple corporate listing for free, or have the option to pay for a Premium Membership account. Premium account holders will be able to list comprehensive product and corporate profiles for access by BRIC users in all four languages. All Premium Members operate their profiles through their "MYBRIC" accounts.

Our aim is to facilitate more trade between BRIC countries and International suppliers, as well as between BRIC companies. This site will continue to develop more functions and communication tools to help make it work for all our users.

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