- Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association
The Korea Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharma Manufacturers Association was founded in October 1945 with the name of Chosun Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association at first, and as of 2018, it has 195 pharmaceutical companies as its members. The KPBMA is the largest pharmaceutical industry organization in Korea, with a membership that in- cludes 174 domestic pharmaceutical firms and 21 multinational corporations. To achieve its goal of "improving national healthcare through the sound development of the phar- maceutical industry," it plays a variety of roles such as policy-supporting activities, ed- ucations, and supporting to member companies. Internationally, it cooperates with the international pharmaceutical organizations as a member of IFPMA(International Federa- tion on Pharmaceutical Manufactures & Associations) and WSMI(World Self-Medication Industry).
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