- B2B International Directory for Global Manufacturers
Website: is the biggest creative and vibrant online communities of Indians was established in 1998 at Austin, Texas and has strong reach amongst online Indians and NRIs around the world serving 60 cities.
Sulekha's members and Sulekhas team (in Austin , Chennai, Seattle , Bangalore , Hyderabad and Mumbai) have developed Sulekha into a global Internet franchise serving Indians with multiple dominant competitive positions.
* Internet Classifieds
* Print Classifieds
* Movies / Event Ticketing
* Business to Business (B2B)
* Expressions / Blogs / News
* Networking / Groups
* Matrimonial / Sangam
* Internet Yellow Pages
* Alliances / Partnerships
Sulekha permits members to share a community of global and local interests and needs. Driven by simple vision of Connecting Indians Worldwide, Sulekha brings individual together with other individuals and organizations.
About SulekhaB2B is one of the fastest growing services of Sulekha having 1, 00, 000 + Indian Manufacturers, Exporters, Importers, and Service providers. Sulekhab2b helps you to change the out look of your business by generating more and more fruitful business and getting an edge over your competitors. has dominating presence in several market segments where it provides the following services:
* Banner Ads / Hot Spots
* Product Catalogs
* Premium Directory Listings
SulekhaB2B.COM provides a host of valuable and synergistic services to promote our clients to get maximum response worldwide. The promotion is done through Search Engine Optimizations, Association Tie ups and Partner Links.
Google Optimization / Partners
Sulekhab2b partners with 100 + associations and websites to drive targeted reach for your B2B needs.
Sulekha has also innovatively worked with several search engines to do the following:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for product catalogues and premium directory offerings.
Ad words and Overture based targeted keyword search based reach in Google, Yahoo and MSN.
Multiple entry points into Sulekhab2b through news, directory, trade offers being indexed by search engines.
America Directory
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