Necessities for Foreign Trade
Those new in foreign trade always ask whether the foreign trade is difficult or not and how to find the information, etc. Today, I'm going to show you the necessities for foreign trade.
1.GFW breakthrough apps (Great Firewall of China breakthrough applications), which is used to visit Google (Google server is not running in Chinese Mainland so normally we can't get in), to get in Facebook and Twitter to spy on our "enemies", to send spy emails.
2.Translation tools, tools to know different countries' time, exchange rate inquiry tools, etc.
3.Email client on destop, such as outlook, foxmail. Set a received-letter reminding in order to let you see the emails customers send at once.
4.Mobile softwares: whatsapp, wechat for international, viber, free SMS and free call are also popular. Kakaotalk for developing Korean customers which is the commonest communication software in Korea.
5.Previous customers' information (if you can get that), copy of bill of lading without sensitive information, quality inspection report (qualified), scanning certification and qualification such as business license. Sometimes the customers will ask you for those and it'll be nice if you can get those to them at once.
6.Regular customers and Key accounts' relative image and video data.
7.We'd better keep those written feedback by related media, industry websites or even KAs.
8.Peer information, which is also your tool.
9.The techniques used in domestic sales are also the tools espicially in the negotiation.
10.Psychology. We use it to guess the customers' thoughts to distinguish if they are speaking the truths. We can have a good command of it through long-term practice.