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Website: is China's leading comprehensive B2B platform for global machinery sourcing. It possesses the biggest and the most reliable database of Chinese suppliers and global buyers, the international machinery buyers are accessible to excellent Chinese machinery suppliers via a one-stop service. Currently owns more than 37,000 machinery suppliers' information, which covers mainstream suppliers in China, including JV and FDI manufactures, is also the first B2B portal to launch the Big Buyer Service (BBS) and Potential Supplier Identification (PSI) program to provide an online platform and consulting service for global big buyers in China. offers a wide range of value-- added services including the latest machinery exhibitions and related resources, as well as information about China to the world; it is providing a window to China's machinery industry. It has established good relationships with many local & international machinery associations and media companies, including machinery associations in US, Europe and Asia-Pacific. On the base of profound industry background, sensitive market penetration, abundant global resource, is dedicated to build a bridge linking China and foreign machinery industries.

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