Auto Shows of North America
Auto Shows of North America continue to offer an intense and personal opportunity unlike any other strategic marketing event. Each year, the auto show experience grows in popularity and scale. And, just when you think it can't get any better – it does – as venues get larger, exhibits grow higher, and manufacturers boggle the mind by launching 100 or so new vehicles while a global audience looks on.
But today's auto shows are more than a good time. It is here where consumers seek to expedite their fact finding and close the information loop by learning about (and, in some cases, driving) the incredible variety of vehicles available at some 65 auto shows across North America.
For members and partners of Auto Shows of North America (ASNA), the effort to enhance the auto show experience is ongoing: newsletters, member meetings, manufacturer round-table discussions, networking opportunities, news advisories and, now, the ASNA website, developed for and about the auto show business, and the people who make it go.